Lately, after she lays down for a nap I hear her talking in her room. Yesterday I carefully peeked in and saw her reading her baby a story. She was very animated too - it was so cute. When I went in to her room to check on her later I guess she had fallen asleep reading the story. This just melts me!!
This baby's name is Baby Lady - I don't know where she came up with that. And all of her dolls must be naked - no clothes allowed!
She does not throw many fits, but they are good ones when she does. Now when she is really mad, she lays face down on the floor and yells "NIGHT NIGHT" - like that is really going to upset me. She will stay there too for a long time. I took this picture yesterday after she had been on the floor for about 4-5 minutes.
Oh my! I love it. So funny, she reminds me of Kate with the naked baby dolls. isn't it funny how sweet and funny they are and then snap! fit on the floor. Love it. I just think...this won't last long and I will miss it when it's gone....hee hee.