Princess for a Night

The local Chick-fil-A in Conway held its annual princess night this week. Ava was so looking forward to it and it didn't disappoint! They had a tea party, hair and makeup, crafts and carriage rides. The little girls also got to see all of the Disney princesses. Sam also enjoyed it. I strapped him to my chest and he had a great time talking (yelling) to all the little girls. Ava cried for a good 20 minutes when we left and the first thing she did this morning - put on her princess dress!!!

Princess Tea Party - Cinderella came in and read the girls a story. Ava could have cared less; she only cared about that cookie!!

Ava really liked getting the hair and makeup. Of course, I told them to go as neutral as possible, so you couldn't even tell she had makeup on, but she kept saying, "Ava beautiful." (which sounds like aahvah bootiful)

Princesses Blakely and Ava

1 comment:

  1. wow, that is so awesome! I wish our chickfila would do something like that. I would so, I mean Kate would! :)
