
It feels like forever since I have written a post and I apologize to all three of my readers :) Things have just gotten ridiculously busy in this house lately! We have pretty much started a new schedule for the fall, and I have not gotten my bearings yet.

Monday - MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
Tuesday - Sam & Ava MDO, I have class at night
Wednesday - class
Thursday - Ava MDO
Friday - Playgroup

First, I started school and I love it!!! It is hard, but I definitely expected that. I feel like every minute that I am not taking care of kiddos, cleaning, laundry etc.. that I need to be studying. I have barely even seen James in two weeks.
Everyone in the house has been sick except me. How that happened I don't know!! We spent last Sunday at the ER because Ava's fever was 105. Sam had a pretty high fever too, but it wasn't that bad. They both had a virus, but Ava had mild viral pneumonia. Five hours in the ER with two sick babies is not fun!! They are both doing great now!

Sam is a walking fool. He is EVERYWHERE!!! Ava runs screaming from him now, "Mommy, Sam is going to get me!!!" It makes him so happy that he can walk though and I am so proud of him!!

We have not actually started Mother's Day Out - it starts next week for both kids, but we did got to Open House last night. Ava loved it last year and I am sure it will be more of the same this year. I was very impressed with her teacher and I think she is going to have a great time! Sam, on the other hand, I am worried about. It will be harder for me to leave him next week, just because he has such stranger anxiety and I am a worry wart! I think it will be really good for him though.

Some pictures of our week:
I took these last Saturday and normally they play so well outside and laugh!! I took my camera to try to catch some of that, and this is what I got. But, when we came inside I noticed Sam felt hot and he had 101 fever. Ava started running a fever a couple hours later - poor babies!!

Ava loves to "cook" while I am in the kitchen. She puts on her little apron and gets to work with a bowl and spoon. Sometimes I give her a real treat and put a little water in her bowl! It is so funny now because Sam wants to play with her and she picks up ALL of her stuff and moves it about a hundred times to get away from him.

Ava no longer empties her drawers when she goes to bed, but now she goes to sleep on the floor! I don't know exactly what this means, but when I leave her room James and I can hear her making a spot by the door. She brings a pillow, blanket, baby and I find her there EVERY single time. At night I put her in her bed before I go to sleep. When I ask her why she sleeps on the floor she says, "Mommy I so sorry! I love you too much." What do you say to that??

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend. Our plans are to watch football and work around the house!!


  1. Bless your heart! Babies with fever is not fun. I've been to the ER with Jacob for the same thing.

    I am laughing at Ava sleeping on the floor. Cracks me up! Wonder what goes through her little head to do that. :)

    What class are you taking?!

  2. So funny, that Ava is sleeping on the floor. At least she sleeps and doesn't play or pull all her stuff out. You are as busy as we are...isn't it weird, that I had nothing to do before kids. HA. I'm glad the kids are feeling better. Love the pics!
