Sam at 10 months

All I can say is my Sam is showing signs that have me SCARED!! He is such a little wild man. And I know that is what I get for having such an easy mild-mannered first baby, but geez! All I can say is that he doesn't do anything halfway. He doesn't crawl, he speedcrawls. He doesn't talk, he screams. He is literally into everything and it is new territory for me.

Sam eats a lot. He really doesn't care for baby food so much now that he has had a taste of the real thing. I still feed it to him though. For a typical breakfast he will eat a container of baby food and rice cereal. He is still screaming for more at that point. Most of the time he will eat a whole banana on top of that!

He is starting to do some new things. He can wave bye-bye. I HAVE to get it on video because it is so cute, but I haven't been able to. He is shaking his head no (imagine that)! He stands up and looks like he wants to walk and then falls down to go after something. It really won't be long! He wants whatever Ava has (and vice versa), but he will chase her down to get it. His new favorite thing is to climb on something and dive head first to the ground. Luckily, he can't climb anything yet that could cause serious damage.
Ava and Sam have a funny little relationship right now. Ava wants to cuddle and hug Sam while he is pushing her away to hit or pull her hair. The other day I left the room for a second and came back to Ava's screams. Sam had a big smile on his face and seriously a fist full of her hair. (Sigh)

One other thing that Sam does is dance. But it looks like nothing I have ever seen - like a little baby headbanger or something. I got a video of it the other day when my family was here. He usually gets a little more into it than this. WILD MAN!!! (Also, excuse the messiness of the play room - remember it was my birthday week and I was on vacation :)


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! That is the funniest thing ever! I laughed out loud. I love it. So sad how fast they grow. Luke will out-eat Kate any day. He loves bananas too and can eat the whole thing after breakfast. Time to be thinking about #3!!!!!

  2. Sam is so cute! And Ava is such a little doll! Their personalities couldn't be any more different, could they? Love the dancing man!
