Pumpkin Patch

We made our family trip to the Pumpkin Patch yesterday. I have been so excited about going for weeks, but it was either raining or we had something else to do! I told James earlier in the week we were going no matter what. Well, as it turned out James and I were both sick with a cold (the kids are great), but we went anyway! We did not ride the hayride or the ponies (poor Ava), but we still had a fun day!

We held up the line in front of this little photo op, and this is the best I got!!

Both of my kids could watch animals ALL day!

Sam LOVED the swing! I tried to get a video of him because he was laughing so hard.

Sam worked for a while trying to pick up the pumpkins - he is a persistent little guy!

We played for a little while when we got home and I took some more pictures - aren't these two just adorable!!!


  1. How sweet they are Kristen! I can't wait to have another little one, they grow up too fast!

  2. Your kids are just too darn cute!

  3. love their shirts. they are so cute! they look so blonde in the pics, maybe it's from the sun. :)
