Daddy's Girl

I knew very early on that I was going to have to be the bad guy in this family. James hates to say no to Ava. He will do it, but he just can't stand it; it REALLY bothers him. I had to wait until he was out of town to let her scream it out in her bed all those months ago because he could not stand it. And she already has it figured out - when she wants something guess who she asks??!! Anyway, since I took away the paci Ava has given up on naps. I close the door to her room and she stays in there. I make her stay in for an hour - she cries, then tries on her clothes, then cries some more, then reads a book etc.. James came in the other day to have lunch and I didn't hear Ava in her room. I went in to check on her and this is what I found!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!! We are on our way to the lake tomorrow.