Happy Places

The other night I was in Sam's room talking with him before night time.  He was telling me he couldn't sleep because his brain was working too hard.  For the record, I am so exhausted lately I have completely forgotten what that feels like.  Literally the second my head hits the pillow I am out. 

Anyway, I was trying to help him.  I asked him to think of something nice  that made him really happy - that might help his brain.  I was giving him ideas.  Can you think of superheroes? No.  What about cars?  No.  Um, Transformers? No.  I gave up and asked him to tell me what he could think of.  He said, "you."

I am tearing up a little writing about it.  It was such a sincere moment.  It was one of the kindest things that anyone has said to me but also one of the most humbling.  I hope that I give him good things to think about as he goes to sleep, and I am sure most days I do.  But there are those days that I am tired and I rush through dinner,  bath, stories, etc. because I want a minute to myself.  There are those times when I lose my cool and say something that I don't mean to the people I love most in the world.  We all have those days and moments, but those words form my Sam put things in perspective for me.

I am so glad to be his happy place - he is mine too.

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