I'm Back!!

I know it has been a while since I posted anything. There are a couple reasons - I have been soooo busy and have really been uninspired about the blog lately. Last week was such a crazy week - there are some big things that happened.

First of all, my dad was in ICU almost the entire week. He is doing well and everything is OK. He is home and I think probably at work as I am writing this, we are all VERY thankful for that!! It was horrible though because I left my phone in the playroom all night and didn't hear it ring at all. No one had James' number, so the next morning I had 18 missed calls - never a good sign! I felt terrible for that, but everything worked out OK.

Ava gave up her paci last week. I cut the end off (my pediatrician's recommendation) and it has really worked. She looked at it the first night and cried hard. She said, "My paci's broken. I need glue. Mommy please get glue" over and over. The next day we went to the park and she would literally tell everyone about the broken paci. She still holds it occasionally, but she is definitely going to sleep without it.

I registered for my grad school classes for school counseling this morning. I am so excited, but very nervous about it. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed right now with the kids and the cleaning and the laundry etc. I hope it won't be too much. But I LOVE going to school and I am so excited about it. I feel very lucky that James is so supportive of it!

And because I don't think I can have a post without pictures!!

Sam loves his bath!!

We are not potty training full time, But Ava wants to sit on the potty occasionally. She pee-peed (sp) on the potty for the first time this week - very exciting!! She is waiting to call Diego (aka Conner) and tell him all about it.

My mom had a family get together at her house on Sunday. Here are Nick, Ava and Haven in front of the chicken and peacock house!! Ava could have stayed there all day. She is an animal lover!

Holding Nick's new puppy - isn't it adorable!

I was so exhausted after a couple hours because I could NOT put Sam down. He was just overwhelmed with all of the people - he cried pretty much every time someone looked at him! What am I going to do with this child??!!

Look at Sam standing - he is taking a couple steps! My baby is growing up too fast :(

1 comment:

  1. Girl, I was in Dardanelle on Sunday. John is out of town on his ten day motorcycle tour. I had to come back today because Kate had her first ballet class she hates. I was going to do that with the paci, but we ended up getting rid of it another way. It's going to be very hard to get it away from Luke. Luke is the exact same way w/people. HE CRIES and refuses to let anyone else hold him. He is such a mommas boy, it's kinda embarrassing. I'm thinking about going back to work. I have a company that wants me to work from home, which will be nice. I feel overwhelmed, but when I'm working I feel more productive, I can't explain it. I'm so glad your dad is ok, so scary to miss those calls and then when they are in the hospital...well, i'm just glad he's back at work. Have a good week.
