BFF Haven and Ava

My niece Haven is staying with us this week and we have all had so much fun, especially Ava. I seriously don't know what we are going to do when she goes home; she has been so sweet and my little helper. Ava will be devastated. I think Haven is having fun and enjoying some girl time; she doesn't get a lot of that at home with three older brothers!!! Ava is so funny; she wants to do EVERYTHING Haven does. If Haven says, "I have to go to the potty," Ava says, "I have to go to the potty too" and runs right behind her. It is so cute to watch her try and be a big girl and really makes me appreciate the cute little girl she is!!!

If you look closely at this picture you will notice something that looks like chocolate on Ava's face. I wish it was chocolate - it is dirt!! The girl loves to dig in the dirt!

They had to wear matching pig tails to Target yesterday.

Mimi and Conner came down yesterday to swim and we had a blast!! (Are you happy Conner??)

I went to feed Sam his bottle and rock him before he went to sleep and I came back to find this. They were watching TV and if you look closely they are holding hands. Precious!


  1. So sweet! I know Ava is in heaven! I love all these pics. I showed these to Kate and she said - is that Lexi (Her bff crush)?

  2. LOVE the picture of them holding hands! Just precious!
